The UK’s No.1 manufacturer and supplier of flat panel safety systems.

Chevron Marker Boards
Chapter 8 compliance

Safety made easier & smarter

The majority of Chapter 8 markings available from other suppliers prove to be a continual headache for vehicle owners/operators. Working in partnership with Wilcox Commercial Vehicles LTD and Aggregate Industries, Dawes Highway Safety has developed a Chapter 8 board that offers a more reliable solution than common highway safety markings which tend to quickly fail. If our Chapter 8 markings do need to be eventually replaced, they are easy to remove and do not require the use of hot air guns and/or aggressive chemicals to remove material or glue left behind by traditional chevron sticker sets.

For further information or to discuss your vehicle requirements, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.

Product benefits

Tough & Practical

More robust than traditional sticker sets, long lasting and easy to remove without the need for hot air guns or aggressive chemicals.

High Visibility

Fully Chapter 8 compliant 3M ‘E’ marked diamond grade reflective materials offer the very best reflective qualities on the market.

Roadworker Safety

Enhanced safety for ‘Highway Maintenance’ where vehicles and their operators are most at risk of collisions from the rear.

Built to Last

Manufactured using the latest equipment and premium materials. All items inspected prior to despatch to guarantee long product life.

Multiple Sizes

Wide range of chevron marker boards in stock and fast turn-around times for bespoke kits for vehicles with limited space or specific requirements.

Fitting service

We’re here to help

We are able to offer our customers a comprehensive fitting service on our complete range of fabulous products at a time that suits your fleet operation requirements.

Our team of experienced field technicians are fully insured and equipped with the latest PPE for efficient completion of work in the strictest of environments. (Full HSE Risk Management and insurance certificates are available upon request)

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Safety Scheme Identification
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Chapter 8 Chevron
Marker Boards
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